Sunday, March 04, 2007

It is amazing I tried to purchase a video from The critical question was " is your computer American?" Well, my computer is American, purchased Plano, Tx. I can produce the receipt. Unfortunately, my ISP is in Taiwan. That wasn't the question. So, any way, I have been charged for $47.98 for videos that I cannot download. According to Amazon, I cannot return them either. So until Amazon lets me either return the downloads, or refunds my money, please boycott Amazon. PS I can purchase illegal copies of what I want for about $10 American, not the $50 that Amazon was charging. I tried to be legal. So far I still haven't done anything, illegal. What would you do?


At 9:22 PM, Blogger A Wiseman's Wife... said...

i would throw a fit to amazon! i can't believe that happened. they should know that questions must be precise. ugh. anyway, the china was from darby and mike. when we opened the place settings you had bought for us, darby fell in love with it and decided that the sale was too good to pass up. plus, they pointed out that now we are on the hook for inviting them for dinner because they know we will have enough place settings.

At 2:14 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

well Amazon figured out how to give Kathleen back her money. They did it $1.99 at a time 24 times. The credits came through one at a time over a period of hours. Brilliant, but effective! Got to rush to meet with a back alley supplier of DVD's to get the same stuff for a fraction of the price :-). sometimes doing the right thing turns out to be impossible - mark


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