Sunday, June 03, 2007

Our daughter Sarah is getting married in two short weeks to a wonderful young man named Jeff. It is getting exciting around our Plano house. One thing that I have really enjoyed is getting the opportunity to talk about our wedding a scant 30 years ago in October. By telling the stories about our wedding, I have been able to once again appreciate just how much fun I had that day. Of course, many things have changed in 30 years but I think that weddings are more personal and less formulaic than in the past. Plus the clothing choices are better. The late 1970's were kind of a fashion disaster.
But the down side has been that Mark is in Taipei, working and not here with me. I know that many people are separated for much longer periods of time but after 30 years of being together, I miss the guy when we're apart. It is part of the life style that families on ex-pat assignments have to expect. Fortunately, he'll be here on Thursday, in time for all the festivities.


At 4:29 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

wo bu shewan yige ren da jia, keshei, wo dasuan qi meguo dai hung hao taitai'

At 8:52 AM, Blogger A Wiseman's Wife... said...

what he said....


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