Wednesday, May 02, 2007

We get many opportunuties to see mission work in action as Asia is a popular place for mission work. Last Sunday afternoon we went to see the Doulos. It is the oldest ship currently on the seas, only built two years after the Titanic. It is also a mission ship, one of two that travel around the world spreading the Word and literature. It is also one of the largest bookstores in the world, floating or not. In each port they visit, the bookstore is opened to all visitors. There are plenty of Christian books for sale; it is the largest Christian bookstore. There are also many book that are classics for children and adults, Mostly in English but other languages are represented as well. The men and women who serve on this ship sign on for a two year stint, without pay. They work six days each week, spreading the Good News of Christianity, in what ever form it is allowed. Even in predominantly Islamic countries, the Doulos is allowed to dock and open the bookstores. Their cultural presentation contains no direct references to Christ in these countries, but the message of Christian love is there.

Is this ship a popular draw? Well the day we went there had to have been between 12,000 and 15,000 people through the ship. A quality and inexpensive bookstore is a good draw.

We were fortunate enough to receive an extensive tour of the ship, from the engine rooms to the living quarters for the missionaries and Tuesday, one of the women came to lunch with a group of friends.

If you are interested in learning more, the web address is


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