Thursday, April 19, 2007

Today was a beautiful day in Taipei. The skies were a clear blue and it was in the mid 70's with low humidity, a perfect spring day. We haven't had many days this nice, this spring. Yesterday was pretty but never made it out of the 50's. Generally it rains 14 days each month, something I am just not use to. People keep telling me that Taipei is very hot but in the six months of living here, I have only experienced cool or pleasantly warm days, nothing hot. If a place isn't hot for six months of the year, then in my book, it isn't a hot place. But then again, I like heat. It is very difficult to come from the Southwestern United States and not like heat unless you live up in the mountains or near the Pacific Ocean. During the 18 months we lived in S. California, I never thought it was warm. Although most people think of Southern California as a perpetually hot sunny place; it just isn't. And neither is Taiwan. The climate is sub-tropical but that doesn't mean bad. I have been told that it is like Houston, TX. Well, I like Houston, TX so it isn't a problem for me. I suppose that the Yanks, or anyone recently from north of the Mason-Dixon Line (which does by the way really exist) would find it hot but having lived in sub-tropical climates for 30 years, I like it warm.


At 10:38 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

you're not a yank! :-) texans have thick skin for weather. at least, we have thick skin for hot weather.


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