Tuesday, September 04, 2007

100 years young!
I went on a whirlwind tour from Taipei to my Grandfather's 100 birthday celebration in Hastings Nebraska the weekend before Labor Day.
- My Grandfather has seen a lot in his time. He has gone from living in a sod house and farming with horses to the jet age.
- Grandpa was the one that brought it to my attention that we had 5 generations of family together for this event.... wow!
- It was great to see my extended family. Kathleen, thanks for encouraging me to make the trip, damn the cost or something like that I think you said!!
- People don't change much over time. Us cousins were close as kids during summer visits but all have our own lives. It is amazing how we can pick up as if we were those kids when we get together now. This reinforces my belief that we are all 10 years old inside.
- In the picture my grandfather is the fit one. Since I'm 1/2 his age perhaps I should take note?


At 5:42 AM, Blogger kathleenandmark said...

Your Grandfather is an amazing person. I think this trip qualifies as a once in a lifetime experience.

At 5:07 PM, Blogger Warren's World said...

insightful entry! you should write more dad. you're a pretty amazing person yourself.


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